Throughout my trip to The Eden Project, I discovered lots of diverse characters both inside and outside of the Bio-Domes. I found the variety of different sculptures extremely intriguing and inspiring so I took photos as I went along of almost all of them I came across. I believe where ever you are, photography is essential. Photography will and continues to be one of the biggest influences on my art works. Whether it's though observing the photo and drawing from it, creating something based on or creating something inspired by them.
Two Goats made from Wood
Two Goats made from Wood
Funky wooden characters which are personally one of my favourites from the Eden Project. Based on Tribal Art, I just find them extremely quirky and somewhat modern take on the historic drawings.
Moon face Sculpture
Star Sculpture with Spikes
What looks to be a female body with a flat circular Face
Metal Spider and Web
As a beginner to Animation. I found looking back at these photographs have stimulated lots of ideas I may not have thought of without studying the various sculptures shown in this blogpost. I've never found it easy to create something purely from my own mind without some form of research beforehand, and I've definitely not established my own style of drawing yet. Therefore I believe if I continue to stimulate my mind through photography and observing everything around me, I will gradually find it easier to Character design and complete Concept drawings without so much conflict.

Rabbit head on a spear
My Ultimate favourite sculpture from the day - This piece was designed by Paul Bonomini and was based on the amount of electrical waste one person throws out in a lifetime (about 3.3 tonnes). Which I think many would agree is a huge amount of waste, and alongside that hefty weight is this Waste Sculpture which shows exactly how much waste we as Humans individually produce. Very fitting piece to be at the Eden Project, but also very worthy to be shared outside of the small area it sits in today. It hit a nerve and made me think about how destructive the modern Human race can be. Definitely something to act on, if not at least think about.
Back to the reason why I've made this blog post - Not only has this particular character inspired me in a lifestyle sense, it's also an extremely intricate and clever piece of Art which I'd be interested in simplifying and creating an Illustration from.
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