Tuesday, 10 November 2015

tonal self portrait in the style of 'crumpltography'

Similar to the reasons behind blind drawing and upsidedown drawing. I took the concept of 'crumpletography' and drew from an image I took of myself, that i'd crumpled up.
My idea here was that, I wouldn't be able to just draw what I thought (from memory) was there. Instead I had to really focus on each individual line in order to get an accurate result. If I had just attempted a straight forward self portrait, the results wouldnt have been as successful as this. I would have just guessed that certain features looked a certain way because it's less work for my eyes.
A very important part of any art, whether it be: Painting, drawing, photography and especially animation. Is to look at the subject you're working on/with. Not just once, but almost all of the time. Something I've learnt from continuous line drawings, blind drawings and other exercises in my life drawing classes, is to look more so at the subject than the actual piece of paper. Of course for animation it's slightly different if its an improvised/original character. However by observing the movement of humans and animals it's more likely you'll get fluent, life-like movement in a character.  

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