Friday 11 March 2016

Life Drawings

My last set of life drawings: There were a lot more from the session, however I decided to leave them in a lecture room somewhere never to be seen again. Luckily I had taken a few pictures of some of them. But my ultimate favourite is still out there somewhere.
A few really abstract, quick sketches. Trying to use a few basic lines to outline the shape and movement within the body:
15 Minute drawing: I really like how this one turned out, however, I probably over drew a little, which had lead to the lines looking rather harsh.  

I feel like a lot of the proportions here are correct. However, again with the over drawing and what was I thinking with the orange??? It was a failed experiment. But nevertheless, it look like a human!

This was the last drawing; it took me 25 minutes to complete (which doesnt show) but I really focused on keeping the lines soft in areas that didnt need to be enhanced, and darker in areas of shadow. I think this is one of my most successful. She could have done with a face, but lets not ruin things! 

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