Saturday, 9 January 2016
Thursday, 7 January 2016
3D - Catching and throwing a ball
First attempt at Catching a ball on Maya. I'm just going to look at this, as a learning curve. Overall, for my first attempt with very little to referance from, I'm pleased. I'm struggling to animate the arms without them twisting all over the place. Currently, the rig, doesn't look very human. I will be starting fresh with the same rig and attempt a more life like appraoch to the catch.
Second attempt: Step one: Catching the ball.
A little more
Finally... I tried okay?! In all seriousness, for me, I'm proud of my attempt. May of needed a little help with constraints and the graph editors but I'm learning! My main concern is that the ball just floats away. However, I've spent another hour on top of many, just trying to make it work. This is as good as I can get it for tonight.
Monty Walk Cycle
Maya and I have such a love, hate relationship. Sometimes it works for me, other times, like now for example, it doesn't. There's something not quite right about this. I'm pleased that it looks like it's walking, but there's definitely a lot of room for improvement.
Tuesday, 5 January 2016
Spirit Bear Storyboard
My storyboard is yet to be finished, but here is a little sneakpeak of my progress. I'm extremely pleased with how it's turning out. There are definitely a few character design flaws, where I've drawn the same character looking slightly different across different frames. However, I don't think this is a huge issue as I'ts simply just to show key frames and give a brief idea of the storyline. To have saved time, I definitely should have completed the storyboard in black and white. However, I have really enjoyed adding colour. So although it's taking me longer, I'm putting more effort in because I'm enjoying what I'm doing!
2D Walk and Dive
This task was actually really fun to make. Having practiced a walk cycle a few times before, when I was creating my Police Man character. I felt rather confident doing this one. However I was slightly concerned about the jump and splash at the end. I followed a few diagrams in my Animation Survival Guide, to ensure my keyframes were in place and from there I found it relitively easy. I definitely think I could re-create the jump into something a little more spectacular. Possibly a somersault or an actual dive.
2D Juggling
Where do I even begin to explain what I had to go through to create this Animation. I'd say 2D is one of my strongest points within this course. I'm confident at drawing so once I got the hang of a Wacom tablet, I was on my way. Of course, it's not simply drawings. You then have to think about timings, and layers etc. This I didn't struggle too much with until this task. Juggling.
I must have spent a good 2-3 hours trying to attempt this one afternoon. In the end I was so frustrated I decided to erase everything, call it a day and try again the next. The next day, when I tried again, my head was a lot clearer and I realised I really had to think about timings within the layers and then refine the drawings afterwards. A few complicated but less frustrating hours later and I had this.
A very basic looking, few seconds long, juggling cycle. This is another moment where I realised how much time, effort and dedication goes into even the simplest of animations. Pleased with my end result!
3D Lamp
This model of a Lamp was based on the Pixar lamp which appears at the beginning of the films. I definitely have a long way to go when it comes to modelling on maya however I was pretty proud of this, considering it's the second time i've ever tried to make something, that actually looks like something!
Monday, 4 January 2016
Smoke cycle
My first attempt at a smoke cycle! I feel as though in some ways it's successful but in many, even for a simplistic 2D animation, I've got a long way to go.
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