Friday 10 November 2017

Time to think about art style

Amy and I were struggling to find the perfect style inspiration. Until the day of Halloween where Google displayed a little animation on their search bar home page, called 'Jinx's Night Out'. This particular short, was the perfect style in terms of texture, tone and line work. As if like magic, this little animation answered so many questions and really helped us get back on track with the visual side to the film.

As well as 'Jinx's Night Out', whilst I was home visiting my younger brother, I noticed him watching a the new 2D 'Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs' on Cartoon Network. I noticed the backgrounds were textured in a similar way to what we'd been discussing which I thought would be useful to reference when texturing our own backgrounds.

My first attempt at some more stylised props took me so long to produce. I have never really worked without outlines so I had to really play around with using difference tones of the same colour to produce the contours needed to create the props. Whilst I didn't find it easy, I found it extremely rewarding when I finally finished a small sheet of props and hope to develop this further in creating more prop designs and eventually adding them to background tests!

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