Friday 23 February 2018

New Props

Here's a series of props I have designed for the film I am producing during my 3rd year, 'Ticked Off'. I am really enjoying the process of bringing a world to life. Something I've always been inspired by in animation, is the attention to detail in the smallest of things. To me, backgrounds are so important in the enhancement of storytelling. Each prop adds a little bit more personality to both character and environment, and I've really enjoyed exploring this alongside producing this year. 

Saturday 3 February 2018

Background Layouts for Ticked Off - 3rd Year Film

Working on The Wild Wood

 So I've started the next part of my commission, The Wild Wood. I started by creating a rough layout and moved quickly on to blocking out the colours. Once again trying to keep it as simple and clean as possible. One thing I've always struggled with, is how to create the sense that something is in the distance, so this will definitely be a test and hopefully a learning curve.

Obviously theres still an extremely long way to go, but just like the previous background for this commission, I'm really enjoying the process and being able to have something creative to do alongside my studies!

Friday 2 February 2018

Commission Update

I've finished the stately home background. I tried to keep it as simple as possible in terms of style, the lines are clean, most of the colouring is made up of block colours. I have however added a little texture to some of the items to avoid the scene looking flat. It's turned out much better than I thought it would. 
However I still feel it could be better. With the time produced to create the scene however, I need to move on with the next task.