I decided to look closer at Angels within Medieval Art. The below picture (Artist: Unknown) really caught my eye and although it isn't Art Deco inspired, I saw potential in taking it further.
to begin with I used simple lines, which was easy because the tapestry itself is made up of lots of basic lines and shapes. I took inspiration from some of Cassandre's more linear and geometric works and created the below image.
I didn't want my previous 'Art Deco' inspired Angel wings to go to waste, so on development of this character, I swapped the wings out and ended up with, what I believe, to be a really strong take on a character design based on the Art Deco movement.
I did the same process with the Rat
Creating this charismatic looking Rat who could be humorous as well as looking very artistic! Say goodbye to Danger mouse and hello to 'Deco' Mouse!
Now, this took forever... but I'm so happy with the result. My issue now is how to stop the characters from blending into the background...
which is exactly what happens here. I changed around with the lightness of each later to make the characters brighter however it still isn't something that would translate into a strong animation. It's too much to take in...
...and this is even worse. In adding this amount of colour to white outlines, I've really confused the image. Whilst I'm glad I tried it, it's not something I'll do again!